Renato Usatîi — ONLY FOR MOLDOVA! The candidate from Our Party has launched his electoral campaign in his hometown Fălești

The candidate from Our Party has launched his electoral campaign in his hometown Fălești. His slogan is ONLY FOR MOLDOVA!

The chairman of “Our Party”, Renato Usatii, promised to introduce the position of vice president of Moldova, to create a presidential reserve fund for intervention, to introduce tax incentives for the diaspora, to create counselling centres for citizens willing to make investments.

He proposed the liquidation of some security forces and the creation of new legal structures to fight corruption.

He also said he favoured military service exclusively on a contract basis and the abolition of compulsory military service.

“Moldova deserves justice, order and security. The people of our country deserve a better life, they should be respected and listened to. Today we are obliged to destroy the system that has kept Moldova on its knees for the last 33 years. Moldova must be a country where there are laws, a country where thieves and traitors are held accountable, where every citizen has a decent life. This requires a strong leader to lead the country. I will be a president who unites the society, I will promote the vector of national development only in the interests of the state of the Republic of Moldova and in the interests of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova. We must take the country out of the state of a vassal state,” Usatii stressed.


