“Establishing total control over Moldovan society,” is how the chairman of ‘Our Party’ Renato Usatii commented in social networks on the intention of the ruling party ‘Action and Solidarity’ to establish a ‘thought police’. The politician wrote in his Telegram-channel that the authorities do not deal with the real problems of people.
“Instead of dealing with rising prices, problems in schools and hospitals, poverty, broken roads, rotting economy and agriculture -PAS wastes state resources to establish total control over society,” Usatii believes.
According to the politician, a legislative amendment by PAS deputies sanctions “online content,” allowing the Information and Security Service (ISS) to conduct surveillance on citizens.
“In their obsession to retain power at any cost, the ruling party is ready to trample on every conceivable and unthinkable norm. Now they intend to establish total control over the Internet, over what we say and what we think. That is, to establish a real ‘thought police’ and silence anyone who does not play by their rules,” Usatiy said.